Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bitter sweet - London

I got rejected for the Flora London Marathon. It is a bittersweet feeling because I thought it would be a wonderful way to see London and was in a way hoping to qualify for the ballot. However on another note, it would be a rather expensive marathon as I have to travel all the way to London. Now that I have been rejected, I can come up with different plans for the beginning part of next year. Moreover, up till now, I only think that I can finish a marathon but have never ran above 30k before. In a way, the rejection might have save me some pain. Below is the rejection letter...

Dear Runner,

We regret that we have to advise you that your application to run in the 2009 Flora London Marathon has not been successful due to massive over-subscription.

However, if you still wish to run, please see below for a list of tour operators who may be able to help you enter the 2009 FLora London Marathon.

Yours sincerely,
Dave Bedford
Dave Bedford, Race Director

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